Societe Nationale de Credit et d'Investissement

Societe Nationale de Credit et d'Investissement, Luxembourg


general information

Société Nationale de Crédit et d'Investissement (SNCI) is a public-law banking institution specialised in medium- and long-term financing of Luxembourg‑based companies by granting  loans for investment and  innovation projects, as well as loans for start-ups and  for the financing of the take-over of  SMEs. It also supports Luxembourg SMEs eager to develop their business abroad and become active on foreign markets.

SNCI's capital is fully-owned by the Luxembourg State.

SNCI carries out operations in equities, either directly, or through a subsidiary called CD‑PME S.A., or by the means of finance companies in which it holds participation. SNCI's core business is to grant indirect loans to SMEs through the local banks and direct medium- and long-term loans to SME’s and start-ups.

SNCI never covers in its entirety the financing of a project but always operates in a model of risk sharing and co-financing with the commercial banks as well as the other stakeholders, aiming to guarantee a sound balance between the various types of funding. On the whole, SNCI loans and credits can cover up to 60% of an investment project and up to 75% in case of a first business set-up of given SMEs.


With regard to its overall activity and since its start on January 1st, 1978, SNCI has carried out financial interventions for a total amount of 3.334,4 million Euros, which represents an average of 90,1 million Euros per year.

Besides granting loans and credits, SNCI is also entitled to take direct shareholdings in PLCs and Ltd companies governed by Luxembourg law upon authorisation of the qualified ministers. These exceptional operations are primarily limited in time and are restricted to a minority shareholding.

As SNCI's interventions are tightly coordinated with the ones of the Ministry of Economic and the Ministry of Finance, the various public instruments as well as the ones offered by SNCI form a coherent package of complimentary measures.


Mr. Marco Goeler – Assistant Director

7, rue du Saint Esprit
L-1475 Luxembourg
Tel: +352 46 19 71 1
Fax: +352 46 19 79
Société Nationale de Crédit et d'Investissement (SNCI)