former „Investicijų ir verslo garantijos“, Ltd (INVEGA)

general information
Investment and Business Guarantees UAB (lith. UAB “Investicijų ir verslo garantijos” – former INVEGA) is a National Promotional Institution established by the State of Lithuania in 2001. The main objectives of the operations of ILTE are to provide financial services, implement and administer financial instruments.
strategic orientation
Strategic orientation of ILTE is to ensure the growth of the scale of services through the application of innovative and effective financing models and instruments designed to provide financial and other services to businesses, public sector and agriculture.
The main directions of activity are:
- Providing guarantees;
- Providing soft loans;
- Developing Lithuanian private equity and venture capital market;
- Partial compensation of loan interest;
- Implementation of financial engineering instruments;
- Implementation of global grant measures;
- Implementation of other statutory delegated functions.
As part of implementation of the plan for New Generation Lithuania, and seeking to direct sufficient investments to key areas and to speed up economic development, on 1 August 2023 four national promotional institutions – ILTE , Viešųjų investicijų plėtros agentūra (VIPA), Valstybės investicijų valdymo agentūra (VIVA) and Žemės ūkio paskolų garantijų fondas (ŽŪPGF) were joined into a single institution. All services to businesses, the public sector and agriculture are provided through ILTE on a one-stop shop basis.
ILTE has a wide range of tasks ahead – targeting investments in areas of national importance, improving the business environment, promoting sustainable financing and capital markets through innovative financial instruments. It is also considering setting up a green finance institute, developing development cooperation activities, contributing to industrial transformation, modernisation of public sector facilities and infrastructure, digitalisation, energy independence and the development of renewable energy sources.
Ms Inga Beiliuniene – Chief Business Development Officer, Member of the Management Board
09308 Vilnius, Lithuania

Ms Ausma Bartkute – Head of Project Management Unit
09308 Vilnius, Lithuania